Yesterday was a day of Highs and Lows. I had a meeting in town in the afternoon and the Coega Daily Commute (CDC) could not happen. To get in the training for the Cape Epic, I did a loop around the Marine, then jumped into the Fossil Mobile for the dreaded drive to work. Onto the freeway and got caught in a traffic jam. Our local upholders of traffic laws were on strike. A week or so ago I praised the traffic department for their action on motorcycles. Now I curse them! The day I dont do the CDC they cause a traffic jam. There is nothing that gives greater satisfaction than riding past lines of stationary cars!
The evening ride involved a Time Trial in the valley and that was a great workout. It just makes one realize how lucky we are to have such great single track and riding in the Baakens valley. The Fat Tracks club is again starting to do great work. However, there are many threats, with one of the most prominent being infrastructure for transportation and commerce. The latest is a plan to upgrade the 3rd avenue dip with a 8 meter + road bridge. Bridges, golf courses and stormwater infrastructure have caused havoc for Mtb trails in the valley. I have lodged an official submission to the EIA process and have asked Fat Tracks to do the same. You can get in touch with the EIA consultant to lodge your concerns.
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